Bolton Hospice Furniture Refurb


Bolton Hospice is an independent hospice that provides expert care and support for people with terminal or life-limiting illnesses and their families.

Delivering care both at the hospice and at home, they help improve patient’s wellbeing and quality of life, as well as providing compassionate, dedicated, and dignified care for patients at the end of their life.

In order to respond to the growing demand for specialist palliative care in the local community, Bolton Hospice wanted to redevelop their day therapy service, and create a new specialist service called the ‘Wellbeing Hub’.


bolton hospice furniture


To help them achieve this goal, they contacted us for our expertise in interior design and experience in the hospice sector.

From fitting a custom-made retail unit to sourcing and delivering bespoke recliner chairs, we were able to put together a beautiful, calming space that would enable patients and their families to access new wellbeing and support sessions and specialist services.


The Challenge


Bolton Hospice needed an additional drop in service to help support their traditional day therapy model.

As the need for hospice care continues to grow in Bolton, they wanted to ensure they had the capacity to meet that demand, whilst also supporting patients and their families who required a wider range of services.

As a result, they needed to create a new area at the hospice that could deliver more varied and flexible care, such as wellbeing sessions that focus on mindfulness and yoga. In addition, a new relaxing café area was also required, so patients could spend time with their families in a comfortable environment.

Working with Bolton Hospice, we were tasked with putting together an interior that would provide a calm and contemporary feel, whilst also catering for specialist needs.

Despite challenges including delays with Covid-19 restrictions, our project delivery and interior design team worked tirelessly to reach that target, sourcing and delivering over 80 pieces of loose furniture to meet different room requirements.


Innova’s Solution


Working with an interior designer, we were able to put together a perfect blend of aesthetics and functionality to meet the varied needs of Bolton Hospice. From supplying office desks and chairs for their different clinics, to height adjustable dining tables in their café, we took care of every design aspect to deliver an inclusive space for everyone in the community to use.

  • 4 No. Arene Rise and Recline chairs to provide excellent pressure relief whilst maintaining a stylish atheistic.
  • Custom-made retail unit so patients and their families had a relaxing café area to enjoy.
  • Over 80 pieces of loose furniture including coffee tables, high back chairs, height adjustable dining tables, bookshelves and lounge seating to provide a contemporary and relaxed care environment.
  • Bespoke office desks and chairs for new wellbeing and support sessions and specialist services such as symptom management advice sessions.

Client Quote

“It gives me great pleasure to share with you our new inpatient facility. We all love the design, furniture and the colour scheme is amazing.  On behalf of everyone at the Hospice, thank you.”

Colleen Kyne-Daly

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